Quote Originally Posted by Tripp McNeely View Post
Good lord no!! Which amazes me that it's gotten this far! The discovery phase would be magical!!! A Tom Mars-esque link or two would cause them to drop it "with the quickness"!
So RR would have to prove that Miller, Leo, and Kobe were instructed by "John Doe" to lie to the NCAA in an attempt to damage RR. What kind of proof do they think they can dig up? It isn't like he can use the photoshopped twitter message that Fancy was showing off. You would also need some type of motive since there is none. Why would Leo or Kobe want to risk their eligibility on lying to the NCAA to damage some random guy that runs a UM store? There is zero common sense in this lawsuit.

Although I guess it is the type of thing UM would try to do to MSU so I guess that is why they think it is possible. Kind of like Devinner getting in UM's pocket and saying whatever they could get to stick on Redmond. It is like that crazy spouse that is sure their significant other is cheating on them only to find out that they are banging the neighbor all along.