Its been proven Freeze was contacting several different escort services in different cities. This has been established as well as the dates the escort services were being contacted. Now, I can't say for sure if Freeze was contacting these services for him or whoever. But, the dates of contacting them certainly collaborates with recruiting and official visits. I have not seen 1 thing that confirms they were for recruits pleasure, but I'm coming down on the side of common sense and would bet they were used for recruits. So, if this is confirmed they were being hired for recruits and it will eventually come rear its head from wondering to proof. Too many people looking at this for it to be shoved to the rear and forgotten. My question, who paid for this service? Was it members of "forward rebels"? Was Barney Farrar involved in this? This is not all on Freeze, others are involved in this and this may be the very reason they are trying so hard to stay redacted. There could very well be criminal charges involved here if this does turnout to be hiring escorts for recruits. Giving a player a car is one thing, but hiring prostitutes for underage kids is a whole lot more serious deal. I thank the good lord everyday we have leaders who I believe are good sound and solid leaders. If this bears out to be true, it going to get as bad as it can get for OM. WOW!!!!!