Quote Originally Posted by stalkingpoon View Post
Now that Bucky is out at TSUN, their fans seem to share the idea that he gets a show cause (before the firing, they insisted he would be cleared). However, they still think they will skate by the LOIC charges. Would Freeze getting a SC not make the LOIC pretty cut and dry? Also, I've seen many say the SA39 has changed his story 3 times, where is this coming from? I've only seen one story from him and that is in the NOA.
This whole investigation is a case study in Lack of Institutional Control. It literally should be required study for Compliance Directors to see exactly how you don't handle compliance.

From what I remember, the "3 different stories" involve the following:

All of this should be considered "supposedly" because I've never seen actual testimony transcripts that support this....

1. In one interview Leo said he got a "wad of cash". In another interview Leo said he got a "bag of cash".

2. In one interview Leo said he met with the booster at like 2pm. In another he said it was around 4pm.

I'm not even sure what "different story" #3 was, but as you can see from the first two, it was probably just as lame.