What's killing their fans is that they're getting a taste of their own medicine. For years, State got kicked in the face and was powerless to stop it. Now, they're getting obliterated, and they're helpless. They have nothing. They can do nothing. And they know that. They're frustrated beyond belief because they can't control the spin, bully, or threaten anymore. They huffed and puffed. They filed lawsuits. Ole miss is doing Ole Miss things. But the shit didn't work this time. Everybody told OM to 17 off. You're done. It's over. They're being eaten alive in the media. They're a flayed man in a sandstorm. This rivalry is a microcosm of everything Mississippi: Haves v. Have nots. Old v. New. Perception v. Cold truth. Bottom rail is on top now, and it's gonna be that way for a while. Embrace your inferior status.