Arya scene was badass.

Cerci, Jamie, and Euron was funny how he kept verbally jabbing Jamie. It has been awhile but I can't remember if Euron on the show has the horn that is supposed to control dragons. I figure he is either going to try to get Cersi a dragon or Tyrion.

Jon and Sansa scene was ok but kind of sets up Sansa & Jon butting heads. It will be interesting to see how that relationship plays out especially if Arya comes back.

Sam now is getting into the restricted books so hopefully he finds a cure for Jorah's greyscale and Jon's lineage. He already knows where to get Dragon glass.

Looks like the Brothers without Banners are going to the wall to fight the Others. The Hound is having a slight redemption arc with burying the farmer he stabbed.

It is interesting that Jamie and the Hound are seeming to become better people but Cersi and sand snake women are more evil.

There wasn't a lot of action after Arya's Frey party. I get showing set up but with only 7 episodes, it felt like we burned a lot of time doing nothing. Especially since next year is the last season and it is shortened also. After all 6 seasons of buildup, it seems like the ending is going to be rushed.