Quote Originally Posted by Bucky Dog View Post
I don't think this is as simple as a crime of opportunity turned into a kid napping and murder. Why leave the kid in the car with it running and doors unlocked at 1:30? If it is a crime of opportunity, most would realize a kid is in the car and then ditch it and jump back in the original car. Why kill the kid and ditch the car you stole?

It's not that easy I'm afraid.
My biggest questions are with the timeline. Mom goes in Kroger at 1:15. At 2:30 a sherriff sees her and she tells him her car is gone. Who spends an hour fifteen in the store past 1am? Bigger issue is that she didn't immediately say her child was in the car. The Hinds co sherriff reported a stolen car and then later contacted ms hwy patrol when he was informed it was a kidnapping too. Makes no sense.