Quote Originally Posted by trob115 View Post
I would say so , especially the warm month of February for us. I know I heard birds firing off about mid February.
Yep, First birds I heard gobbling with a purpose were around the 6-7th of feb. I still don't think it changes too much from year to year and you can find receptive gobblers up right through the end of the season. I definitely think the weather played a role. But, most hens breed on the light cycle. So as the days get longer they get closer to being ready. I think weather can change things up by around a week or a bit more. I have already seen a group of young polts which means that hen would have been laying middle end of february. Was definitely a strange year as the birds never really seemed to get on a roll. It was very sporadic for me as far as gobbling went. Usually during the season you will catch several consecutive days of hard gobbling turkeys, I never seemed to have those days. May have just been when I was able to go etc. Seemed like one morning they would gobble alright and the very next, wouldn't hear a peep even on consecutive high pressure pretty days.