Quote Originally Posted by DeviousDawg34 View Post
Dozens of people have already sent FOIA's including Steve. It's gonna be a battle for OM to keep it hidden until their response. UNLESS it was sent directly to the out of state council, who then summarized it and emailed a summary to Ole Miss, the NOA has been in the hands of Ole Miss representatives. Which means it is subject to a FOIA request. My guess? someone gets their hands on it before OM releases it with their response. I can promise you though, it will be an all at legal war behind the scenes over the next 90 days. It's not just Rosebowl asking for the NOA this time, it's big name reporters from accross the country.
Steve mentioned his legal counsel believes they have a good shot at getting it because they were on campus in MS reading from a document on the video so they should have a good shot but you know they will delay delay delay