This regime under Mullen- no matter what assistants we hire- is always going to be a 20-30 recruiter. After 8 years, we have all the evidence we need. OM is down and struggling so what happens? Do we lock the state of Mississippi down? No. Louisville and LSU are going to poach the top 10.

Why? Because of our pitch to recruits. We preach hard work, busting your ass, lunch pail mentality. We don't kiss much of those 18 year old asses. We don't do glitz or glam. That's all well and good in pro football- but when you are selling your program- you have to put as much lipstick on that pig as you possibly can. 18 year old kids don't want to hear about hard work and how nothing is going to be given to them. You have to lie and make promises you can't keep. Recruiting is just a dirty business.

We pull in some good players- but we will never have the depth or complete team necessary to do anything big. Mullen is Stands without the severe discipline problems and drama. And that's ok I guess. Climbing the SEC mountain is a lot harder in football than basketball.