Quote Originally Posted by blacklistedbully View Post
When the norm is as bad as it is in Oxford...just what do you expect from the ones that might be considered, "fringe"? Should be no surprise.

Frankly, his statements aren't much worse than what a rather large % of their fanbase believes.
Obviously Bjork doesn't understand the concept of scapegoat. When the ish really hits the fans they will come after him with torches. They always do.

Every former coach of OM sans Vaught is a douche in their eyes. When things sour they turn on their own and vilify Bjork and Freeze.

On the other hand State actually holds their former coaches in warm regard for the most part. (Croom may have sucked as a coach but I hear few personal slanders about him as a person.)

Go ask a Reb what th think about Nutt, Tuberville, Orgeron, or Cuttcliffe.