Arkansas c/o '14. Relocated to the North MS area for employment last year and have gradually become intertwined with the State/Ole Miss back-and-forth due to co-workers. I've never seen a site able to collectively infuriate an entire fanbase quite like inhabitants of Elitedawgs have managed to orchestrate. It most certainly is a thing of beauty. A work of art, so to speak. Job well done.

Ever since the Nutt fiasco, I (and the majority of the Arkansas fanbase) was able to witness firsthand the sheer delusion relative to the OM crowd. Since arriving in Mississippi, it has become rather apparent that I do all I can to troll this fanbase. It's one of the more enjoyable aspects my of college football fandom. I've never seen anything quite like these people.

Anyways - Just dropping by to say hello. Will be pulling for State all year until they run into the Hogs. Once again, love the site/format. Keep up the good work, guys. A sincere tip of the cap

Woo Pig!