Quote Originally Posted by Tbonewannabe View Post
I still think Howland Reed ends up at Winterfell. He would be the only person other than Bran that would know Jon's actual parents except maybe the nurse maids. Any chance the show held something back for GRRM to release in the books if they could get released before next April? They already unveiled the meaning of Hodor and the Tower of Joy but could they have purposefully left out something for GRRM to have a big moment in the books? I know GRRM has said that Hodor doesn't go down exactly the same but the meaning is the same, just unveiled differently. I imagine as a writer to have these things "spoiled" for you does suck. Even though the Tower of Joy was the worst secret ever, he did spend over a decade developing his books to get that reveal. I hope the Winds of Winter at least goes into more depth and maybe we get Lyanna's whole conversation.
Fat Bastard doesn't give a damn. He's too busy raking in the cash from the TV show and doing everything except writing the books. And it's his own f'n fault he hasn't stayed ahead of the show. When you take a 10-15 year hiatus between books, the obsessed fans will analyze every damn word and bit of punctuation. That's why R + L = J was an awful secret. Fat Bastard started something he wasn't that interested in finishing.

As for the book/tv thing, we've discussed this 100 times. It's been made abundantly clear by both Fat Bastard and the producers that the books and tv have diverged significantly. They're getting to the same endgame, but "how" they get their is fairly different. I linked an article discussing that in this thread a few pages back. I think the grave theory is more likely to happen in the books than on TV, and I'm good with that. Howland could pop up in the TV show to tell "Jon" or he could find out from Bran.

Here's a great article about GRRM asking Stephen King how he writes so fast. King tells Fat Bastard: Just write. Make yourself do it. Fat Bastard is too lazy to comprehend the idea you have to force yourself to write.