Back several weeks ago there were topics discussing the recognition by people nationally of UM and not MSU, and most of the local state fans don't really understand it or believe it. I have lived in South Carolina for only 2 years and it has really bothered me how many people have no idea there is a difference between Mississippi State University and Ole Miss. I work in the world of sports and athletes every day and even the hard core sports fans and collegiate athletes get us confused regularly. Examples: 1) talking with collegiate basketball player (Div II) and tell him I graduated from State and he replies "Yall have that white guy that runs his mouth a lot and can shoot threes like crazy" (Obviously Marshall Henderson) 2) Die Hard south Carolina fan talking about football one day, tell him im a Mississippi state grad (with a MSU coffee mug in hand) says something about Michael Oher playing for us!!! 3) Walk into a vintage sports clothing store and they have every school and team under the sun.....I find 1 state shirt and at least 3-4 different Ole Miss hats and shirts and sweatshirts...etc 4) Tervis Tumbeler Store here in town.....1 State cup in each size.....3-4 different designs of ole Miss cups in each size. 5) person asks about KKK rallies on our campus 6) person states they cant believe the riots that happened on our campus when the James Meredith came to our school (Im sure they saw the ESPN special). Im sure there have been other instances, but these are the first that come to mind. I could understand if I was out west or up north....but COME still in SEC country for Christ sake!!!!!!

Just frustrating...........