Quote Originally Posted by Johnson85 View Post
I'm still watching but disappointed so far. Expected it to be slow to start with, but I was expecting some exploration of how things went to hell. They basically skipped over everything interesting. There were a few zombies, and then they're in a fortified camp. Nothing showing how cities or neighborhoods deteriorated. It does look like the storyline will start moving with the next episode, but it seems like they skipped over a lot of fertile ground for development. They could have done the season where each show represented basically one day and done an entire season probably on the first week or two of the apocolypse. Surprised they skipped several weeks ahead.
Yeah, I think they were severely hampered by a 6 show season. Had they extended it out to 10 episodes or so then they could have done it up a lot better. I'm still watching but but so far it is not in the same league as TWD. I can't wait for 10/11 to get here. Rumor is the season opener is supposed to start fast and then get even faster.