which means the females will start getting frisky soon... if we continue to have a warming spell without any significant rainfall to muddy things up. Any of you guys like to sight fish bass? I do some, but if I can see them, I usually start working my way back out and try to find where they are staging. That's where you'll hopefully find some big haints just waiting their turn. But if I see a nice one, I may work it a few minutes to check the mood, and if it doesn't want to attack right away, I'll move on... I don't have the time or patience to sit on one for hours on end. I'd rather catch 4 3-5 lbers than one 7+ you have to work all day.

and then there's slab crappie to consider...... I love it when they get on a shallow hard / gravel bank... jig about 14" under a slip cork is deadly

Now all I have to do is find time to go between honey-do's dammit!