Judging from last year I want, in the least, 3 deer.

Last year I got a doe on Christmas day. I made a boatload (and that is no joke) of jerkey. I made 10 pounds of ground meat. I grilled a few pieces. I finished my last piece of jerkey about 10 minutes ago. I'm already in withdrawl....but that's for another day.

I didn't buy a lot of ground beef..but I did buy a fair amount of pork and and a very small amount of chicken. I figure that if I can get those 3 deer (minimum) then I'll cut that by more than half. It depends on how my jerkey addiction works out....anyway...

I did not do well fishing this year. I've never done so bad with a jig or a fly rod. It was really a head-scratcher. It was also my first year with the slat-box and I failed miserably with that new venture. Same with the crawfish traps.

I hope that I can make up some with squirrel and rabbit. It's that time, so I reckon that I should get after it.