Quote Originally Posted by Commercecomet24 View Post
We must've been separated at birth, we think to much alike. And "just making the tourney" doesn't mean we just settle for that, in baseball, at any level if you make the tournament you have a shot at winning it all(see rangers/diamondbacks in mlb last year). Heck I wished we would go undefeated in baseball every year but that's just not the way it works.
I'm one of those guys that hated losing more than I liked winning. I want to win everything. It took a lot of losing for me to get past that. And, if I couldn't take it, and get back up, and dusty myself off, and go try to win again there is no way in hell I'd be an MSU fan. Baseball is so unique in the way that the Best team doesn't always win. The most Talented team can come in last. It's the most humbling team sport there is. It is ruled by fickle gods that are quick to anger and enjoy torturing us. They take pleasure in seeing things like line drives off Gene Morgan break peoples hearts as much as they love giving us Burke Masters and Elijah Macnamee. And those of us fool enough to enjoy it always come back for more.