This is a really dumb thread and a bad look.

Jans has done a great job and has our program much better than our historical norm. He interviewed for a better job. You know what? So have I. So have you. Imagine your boss calling you a disloyal piece of crap because you interviewed at a better job with better pay. You are that boss right now.

Lemo is amazing in absolutely every way... except for wins these past couple seasons. And ultimately that's what he's here for. If he keeps winning, all is good. If he loses, he's gotta go. Hes a great person but we shouldn't be "loyal" to any coach if they suck (I'm not saying he does, this is his "prove it" year so I'll let it play out).

We weren't "loyal" to JoMo or Arnett and I don't expect any coach to be "loyal" to us. Be grateful for the hard work these coaches put in. If a coach can get more money or a better home life elsewhere you shake his hand and wish him well on the way out. If he can't perform you shake that hand and wish him well as you hand him his buyout check. Be mature about it either way this and recognize this is a job to them