Quote Originally Posted by State82 View Post
If you have enough stroke for the university to feel like you need a building named for you then you should have enough stroke to build a new one. Now if it is a building that is not presently named after some individual then that would be fine. But I would not take a name off a building to put another name on it. Especially one that has been around as long as Carpenter.
Well, if you are paying for a significant remodel, you are just about paying for a new building. A significant amount of money is in the finishing work, and that tends to not last decades. If there's 50 year old building on campus and somebody pays to remodel it, because of the increased cost of labor, the person paying for the remodel probably has as much or more money in it, on an inflation adjusted basis, as the original donor. I don't have a problem with naming the building for them at that point. The original donor got naming rights until the stuff they paid for largely deteriorated away.

I know for things like Lee Hall the original naming wasn't for a donation to begin with, but speaking generally for buildings named after donors.