He's a good 3p shooter, but not great and is not gonna be great at that. (Neither was Jordan, it's fine.)

1) make hisself best in the country at driving and finishing at the rim. He can do this, and be great at it. I assume you practice against people banging and fouling you. He'll have to figure out how to do it.
2) Become a great 10ft and in shooter
3) Become a great FT shooter. If he succeeds at 1, he'll l get a lot of FTs.
3) Become a great (not good) defender.

Basically work on perfecting things he's already good at. Eveyone wants to shoot 3s. Forget that. Become great at what you are already talented at and at what you can be the best at.

Basically forget the 3s and pattern his game after Jordan. Embrace what he is.

He has the athleticism to do this and he'd be alll SEC.